Friday, May 4, 2007

SimCity Dreams Come True

If, like me, you ever played SimCity games, you know the adrenaline rush that comes from building an entire city from scratch. Well, architect Alejandro Gutierrez got to play SimCity lifesize style! The name of the city? Dongtan, a green metropolis built from scratch on the outskirsts of bustling Shanghai.

The aim of the developpers, Arup, is to make this city with a capacity of 50,000 people completely self-sustainable and carbon neutral - focusing on zero energy building, recycling, alternative energy and mass transportation systems, to name but a few of the innovative methods it incorporates. And this is only the first out of a total of 4 such eco-cities Arup has planned to build in China. It carries a price tag of US$ 1.3 billion.

It's good news but no surprise that China has chosen to go down this path, because as its economy shows no signs of slowing down in the near future, the environment will inevitably be the first victim of this unprecedented boom. Of course, a project of this magnitude is also only possible in a highly controlled environment where the government can impose its vision where it wishes (the SimMayor's dream).


Sophia said...

Thanks Leo for this news item. Really interesting. No I did not play Simcity but my son did a while ago and was very excited then about the game.

Nizo said...

I can't wait until Simcity 5 comes about

We need to have a partééééééééé

Léonard Roger Martin said...

Sophia: thanks for stopping by. Encourage your son to keep playing, it's a very good tool to develop your son's capacity for management strategies, AND it's fun.

Léonard Roger Martin said...

Nizo: I can't wait myself...
Et oui, on va faire un gros parté when Caro finishes her article!